Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Before You Do Anything Else...

Prior to building new selective schools or granting more charters to for-profit companies I believe it would be worthwhile to take some steps that are critical to the well-being of students and their learning.

I believe it is incumbent upon the leadership of any school district, anywhere in the country, to make sure a nurse is in the building five days a week. No school should have nursing/medical care for just a portion of the week. This service is far more important than putting up a $60 million school.

Also, social workers and psychologists are critical to the success and growth of students. Again, prior to building a brand new school, these services should be available at all hours of every school day.

Making sure all students get the classes they desire is another critical area that should be attended to prior to building a new selective school or constructing a new charter via a for-profit firm.

I am aware of far too many schools where such essentials as toilet paper are in short supply or not even available! It's a fact.

Programs such as Art, Music, FACS and Physical Education have to be administered more than 60 to 100 minutes per week. These curriculum areas are far more important to fund than putting up a shinny new edifice.

Like I said, 'before you do anything else,' take care of these areas.


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