Friday, April 11, 2014

Myth Buster!

Those of you who follow the work of Schools Count are aware of the fact that our charity provides all sorts of free school resources to students. This has been our manner of operation for years and we will continue to conduct our work in this manner going forward.

Around this time of the year I send a letter to the principals of the various schools asking them for their needs for the coming year. This helps me to order exactly what we need. I leave it open for the principals to ask for everything and anything on the requisition form. I have already received about a dozen responses telling me what their needs will be in 2014-15.

I have often heard it said by many in the public that if you ask people what they want and that they can order anything then they will say 'I want everything I can get my hands on.' To be quite blunt about it, when it comes to people in poverty (those with many of the greatest needs) these same people who feel the principals will abuse the system, proclaim 'they will ask for things even if they don't need them.'

I have never found that to be true in our work. In fact, as I am looking at the requisition forms, many of the principals are not asking for certain supplies. If they already have enough of a particular supply they are simply requesting less.

So much for thinking that people taking advantage of our charity. It is both the honesty of those we work with and the binding trust which makes our relationship such a wonderful enterprise. Our charity is proud to serve schools thoughout the area and country.


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