Monday, April 21, 2014


Recently I had someone mention to me that the reason people are poor and that the education system their children are part of is due to the fact that these individuals are lazy and live off the rest of us. They went on to say the all too familiar refrain that all they have to do "is pick themselves up by the bootstraps."

Therein lies the inherent problem. Most of the people who live in the throes of poverty don't want to. More to the point, the poor often have never had 'bootstraps!' Sadly, their hope of ever realizing that they will acquire these 'bootstraps' is fairly remote.

The bootstraps are a decent living wage from a decent job. It is having access to decent health care. There are plenty of other 'bootstraps' but much of it comes down to having the means to provide for oneself.

As many of you know, there is where our charity comes into play. We are intent upon helping students and their parents by providing some supplies and resources (bootstraps) so they have a better chance for success in school.

We are pleased to provide whatever 'bootstraps' we can to those in need.


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