Friday, February 14, 2014

The Role of Education

Okay, so the title, 'The Role of Education' may not exactly capture your imagination or interest on this Friday morning. Be that as it may, it is a vital question that must be look at and addressed.

More so now than ever before I am left pondering what the 'experts;' reformers, business leaders, politicians, government agencies tasked with leading education, and, yes, even some educators see as the primary function(s) of education here in America. Are we to prepare young people to be mature citizens or is the role of education to merely prepare them to take their place in our economic world?

Hopefully, we are carrying out our teaching responsibilities in a manner that helps equip our students to tackle many challenges, being a member of the capitalist system but one of many. No doubt a career can offer many opportunities to an individual.

It is my belief that the quest for the material is not the primary end of education and a career choice.

Ones happiness, satisfaction with life, quality of life, and pursuit of meeting many of the needs of family and society are most worthy goals. There are lots of avenues to travel that will help satisfy such challenges and I am of the belief that a great education will enable young people to meet goals and challenges.


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