Thursday, February 27, 2014

Charter Watch

Whether the issues deal with admissions, the establishment of policies/bylaws, standardized testing, the existence of teacher unions, pay and a whole host of other concerns, we are constantly learning, day by day, more about the operation of charter schools.

Today's Chicago Sun Times reported on charter school expulsion rates within the CPS system. CPS released some pretty staggering data on this issue. The bottom line is this...charter students are 11 times more likely to be expelled than students who attend traditional neighborhood schools.

Poor behavior or inappropriate conduct needs to be dealt with but, to think that charter school students are kicked out at such an alarming rate makes one wonder. Lots of questions should be raised and answered.

Do charter operators have consistent guidelines to follow on this matter? In fact, are guidelines even in existence when the charter is granted permission to establish a school? Does the charter operator have to get the guidelines approved by the CPS brass? What steps are taken by charters which lead to expulsion?

These are but some fundamental questions that parents and CPS, among others, deserve to have answered.


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