Friday, August 2, 2013

More on CPS Closings

Here we are in August and the tempest is still brewing with regard to some of the CPS school closings.  If you'll recall, CPS closed nearly 50 schools this past spring due to, in their view, underutilization.

The Chicago Teacher's Union filed a lawsuit claiming that the CPS brass and school board had ignored the recommendations of hearing officers, appointed by the board, with respect to the impending closings.

On Wednesday Cook County Judge Thomas Allen denied a motion to stop CPS from making all the school closings including the 10 in the lawsuit.   Judge Allen did not dismiss the lawsuit but he denied the motion based on the fact that he said the Springfield legislators had not developed legislation which barred the CPS Board of Education from contradicting the recommendations of the hearing officers.

So, the 10 schools will stayed closed. 

Sadly, what remains are grievances still pending, hurt feelings, and the fact that many feel that justice has been denied.   I will say this...why on earth do you suppose the school board would want hearing officers, hand picked, and then not really follow their advice.   I'll leave that to you to ponder.


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