Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Keep Them Safe

So far so good in terms of the CPS children getting to and from school safely on the first day of classes. Mayor Emanuel had the troops; police, safe passage workers, crossing guards, streets and sanitation officials and others, out in full force. That's good news!!

I'll add this note, just as I did during the years that I taught, I want to see what happens in October, February and March to get a better hold of just how things are shaping up. The first day of school and the last day are important but they aren't really good barometers in terms of learning, teaching, and, in this case, safety.

Let's see if the 'powers that be' keep security personnel out in full force - as they did yesterday - in the many days to come. When it's -5 will the same number of police and crossing guards be out there? Will Emanuel walk to school with children on Nov. 1st or on a rainy day in April? The safety concerns of school personnel and families won't abate on those days. Of that you can be sure.

If everyone pitches in, as they did yesterday, the students will be all the better for it.


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