Friday, May 3, 2013

Not that Simple

Do you have a child who scored a very respectable 25 on the ACT - standardized test - and then retake it in order to get a higher score?  What did they get the next time?  Chances are, they received a 25 or 26...maybe a 27 (not likely).

Raising ones standardized test scores is not an easy task!!  Just think what it is like for a child, entire student body or community to raise its ISAT scores given the huge obstacles they are facing and have faced and that have a direct impact on learning. 

So when the CPS said that Barton Elementary just hasn't raised their ISAT scores enough (they went up 9.6% from 2010 to 2012) just what are they thinking given the above?  Steady progress is to be commended and the data from 2010 to 2012 proves this out.  Not even CPS disputes these numbers.

Here's where we are don't raise test scores unless other student focused elements are taken into account and addressed.  Teachers spending time with students outside of the class period is critical.  Students, teachers, and parents developing a trusting and caring relationship is a must.  Providing a safe and nurturing environment that stresses learning has to take place.  Addressing psychological and health issues can't be avoided.  Having strong and positive leadership from the principal and assistant principal will produce results. 

All of these are in place at Barton.  These factors, and others, are the driving force in raising hard-to-raise standardized test results. 

My advice to CPS...Barton has turned around.  Leave them alone!!


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