Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Devastation in Moore, OK

The images are horrific but even more tragic are the number of fatalities caused by the tornado that ripped through Moore, OK yesterday afternoon.   As of early this morning fifty-one people had lost their lives, twenty of them children.

Sadly, the storm hit heavy residential areas including schools.  In all, five schools were damaged as a result of the twister.  Two schools, Briarwood and Plaza Towers, were hit very hard with Plaza being leveled.  The news regarding the school children at Plaza Towers Elementary is heart wrenching.  At this point in the day, some seven students lost their lives.

Our charity will do our best to help the Moore school children.  We are setting up a special fund for the purpose of aiding the students going forward.  To make a donation to this cause you can contribute by making a check payable to Schools Count Corp and writing in the word 'Moore' in the memo section of your check.  Kindly forward your check to Dick Flesher, 20048 S. Kohlwood Dr., Mokena, IL. 60448.

Many thanks,

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