Monday, December 24, 2012

Just Thinking

When I consider the poverty stricken schools in this country and think about those areas we serve that have been devastated by natural disasters or afflicted with a lack of funds, I can't imagine not working with them.  The opportunity to work with the children and adults in these schools is most rewarding.

It's rewarding in the sense that children light up when they get new supplies.  Parents are appreciative that someone reaches out to their sons and daughters and offers a bit of assistance when the Moms and Dads wish they had the means to do so.

Whether providing daily supplies, art materials, band instruments, winter coats or uniforms, I know that the kids are all the better off.  I wish I could convey to you the hundreds of teachers who gave me a hug or firm handshake and said a warm 'thank you.'  It is the rule not the exception.

To those who struggle to achieve, to the many whose dreams we can't possibly know about and to those working each day to be successful in school, may this holiday be full of much happiness.  And to those of you who extend your kindness in support of these students, may you realize the joy of the season.

Many thanks,

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