Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ask Yourself, I Am

In thinking generally about schools and those our charity works with a few questions popped into my mind with regard to safety, violence and the possible appearance of guns in schools.

Do you want your 7 yr. old son or daughter to see guns?
Do you want your third grader going to school knowing that a teacher or principal has a loaded weapon?
What do you think the chances are, if teachers or other school personnel have guns in schools, that some
  might well want to search them out?
Is there a remote chance that if guns were to appear in schools that they may get in the wrong hands either
  intentionally or not?
Is this really what we want our schools to become?
Is putting guns in schools really the best way to teach children patience, tolerance and how to deal with
  issues and problems?
Do you suppose some student(s) feel they have a right to bring a gun to school if they know that school
  personnel are permitted to do so?

I know my answers to each of these questions and would encourage you and others to ponder the impact of such decisions on the process of teaching and learning.


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