Thursday, April 5, 2012

Some More on IL Testing

I won't let go of the charge by the State of IL people who want to see an expansion of state testing to grades 3-11. This is nonsense on a variety of levels.

For one, I thought that the state was in some real trouble with regard to funding! Adding tests, developing standards to go along with the instruments, assessing them, submitting the paperwork and analyzing the results won't be cheap. Sure, we've got the funds for this but not for the schools who can barely keep their doors open due to a lack of funding. What a joke!!

I ask you, which is more important, funding schools or adding on more state exams? Well, I can tell you that teachers and learners would rather spend their time teaching and learning.

I also want to see some research that indicates that this mountain of state testing somehow, in the final analysis, will really have something to do with an enriched curriculum and improved student learning.

If the added state testing (and current state tests already in place) can't further a student's education then it is time to say NO to the new mandates.


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