Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Odds and Ends

Just thought I would briefly fill you in on some important matters...

...CPS Principals, as of today, have not been told their budgets for next year!
Wow, that will make it pretty darn difficult to figure out how to assist
students and teachers.

...Principals have to submit their plans for how they will use the extended school
day by Friday, May 18th. Pretty hard to believe that the plans have to be
submitted without knowing ones budget

...Paul Vallas, former school chief here in Chicago, Philadelphia, and New Orleans,
is the temporary Superintendent in Bridgeport, Conn

...If all of this is not enough, CPS and the teachers union (CTU) have to negotiate
a new contract. This will be quite problematic in all probability.

I'll have more to say about these issues in the next couple of days.

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