Thursday, March 15, 2012

Still Puzzled

I'm still baffled with the statement made by Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, regarding the starting pay of teachers at $60,000 to $65,000 and then earning up to $150,000.

Seriously, where did he get these numbers? Are they based on what educators earn in other countries or is this their value?

Like I said, I'm puzzled. Mr. Duncan has to know that there are thousands of school districts in this country, some wealthier than others. There is simply no way that this kind of pay will take place in areas where jobs are in need and families live from one paycheck to another. They certainly couldn't afford to pay these salaries.

Put another way, there are more pressing needs in public education than having these types of salaries. Don't get me wrong, as a former teacher, I can see that salaries need to be increased in some areas of our state and in the country.

However, there are far more pressing needs that face students, parents, and educators than meeting these 'pie in the sky' numbers. From my vantage point, in terms of administering this charity, I can see the need to level the playing field in terms of education in our society.


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