Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Positive for Students

As many of you know, I have raised some red flags on plenty of issues regarding the manner in which CPS will implement the longer school day commencing in the fall of 2012. I'm still rather skeptical of the extent to which they are thinking about the use of the lengthened day.

Amid these concerns, one positive has come about as a result of the extended school day (8:00 am to 3:30 pm). All students within the system will have a mandatory 25 minute recess period that piggybacks to a 20 minute lunch period (the order may to switched so that lunch come first).

In essence students will have a 45 minute break from the rigors of school. No doubt this will be welcome news for the kids.

By the way, by giving the children a 45 minute break, teachers will also have that time to themselves. Teachers have a good deal on their plates and providing that time for them will be a plus.

By the way, kudo's go out to those planning the day on another front. By finishing the 'official' part of the instructional day at 3:30 those schools with well established after-school programs should be able to continue them without too many concerns.

At least one huge issue remains regarding the lengthened day. If students attend school for 7 1/2 hours and then go to an after-school activity, in addition to riding a bus, how will the children respond to being at school for 10 hours? It is a critical concern for certain.


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