Monday, April 25, 2011

An Ugly Discussion

Over this past weekend I had the opportunity to chat with some friends about education, the poor, and the role of government in dealing with these two issues as well as other social and political concerns. To say the least, I found their comments shocking...insensitive and mean-spirited.

To these people, those without the means to better themselves have only themselves to blame. Their argument goes like this - because they are poor, without jobs, or are lacking in education why should people with the monetary means have to help them. My friends contend that they are all lazy and don't merit our help!

Are you kidding?! Not help other humans who are down and out!

What's more, not only do these folks think those with the means to help others shouldn't have to do so they also rant that the government should not aid those in peril. They feel the government should do nothing to aid the destitute. They feel that everything from food stamps to Pell Grants to the Dept. of Education to Medicare is a waste and ought to be done away with.

I left these discussions (well, lectures) both horrified and aghast. Their indifference and disdain for those without the means to better themselves was beyond comprehension.

I also walked away grateful that our charity does so much good for so many. What my friends don't realize it that they simply energized me to continue to work with our wonderful donors and volunteers.


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