Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Schools Count Receives Large Grant

Yesterday, in many ways, was a watershed day for Schools Count Corp with respect to our efforts in the Chicago Public Schools. Archer Daniels Midland Foundation awarded Schools Count Corp $10,000.00 for our work in the CPS system. To date, this is the largest grant we've ever received in the four short years of our existence.

The largest portion of the grant will be used to provide for CPS schools on the north side of the city. Schools which will benefit from the generous grant include Von Humboldt Elementary, Lafayette Elementary, Lowell Elementary, Yates Elementary and other area schools.

Archer Daniels Midland Foundation has long assisted city schools so we are pleased to announce the receipt of the grant to further aid students and schools in need.

Not only did ADM make this sizeable contribution but a number of their employees have indicated a willingness to help collect school supplies in addition to volunteering to help us deliver supplies to schools this August. Talk about a generosity and kindness.

It is companies like ADM who care about their neighbors, right next door, and are willing to step up to assist them that make us proud to be associated with them. To one and all at ADM please accept our thanks for your tremendous donation.


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