Monday, January 25, 2010

Help Haiti Now!

(photo by Despardes) Perhaps this image best illustrates why it's so urgent to help Haiti and to bring some normalcy back to the everyday lives of its citizens. Too often we hear of looting in Port au Prince. My hunch is that there is much more cooperation, as this image illustrates, than we might otherwise think.

Though getting water through whatever means is possible is critical right now, in the long run it will be constructing homes, creating jobs and building schools that will better sustain Haitians. As I have stated, Schools Count Corp. is intent upon building a school in Haiti.

Through New Trier High School, in Illinois, we have made contact with two Haitians who were supporting a school in Petit Goave. Petit Goave is about 40 miles west of Port au Prince and was hit nearly as hard as the capital. At this point in time we are looking to partner with New Trier, the non-profit Little by Little, and others to make the dream of rebuilding St. Joes a reality!!

Much works remains but we are starting to get a plan; we have a specific school location, people who know the area, a construction school chief intent upon going into the country, and a number of people eager to help. Later this week I will meet with an architect to get some initial blueprint plans.

But as the photo illustrates, we will have to have the cooperation of everyone to make the school a reality. One thing seems sure, there are plenty of Haitians out there willing to do there part to help us. Let's pitch in and help rebuild St. Joes!

You can make your donation to help construct St. Joseph's. Simply go to our homepage, and make a contribution of any amount. All donations are appreciated.

Many thanks,
Dick Flesher

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