No, this isn't St. Josesph's School; rather, it's an image of what we want to do in Petit Goave, Haiti...rebuild St. Joseph's!! There is a simple reason to rebuild schools in every corner of Haiti. You see, every time a child has a school to go to, where teachers and other adults can provide an environment of learning, there are opportunities afforded to the students.
Perhaps the opportunity will present itself in the form of learning something about art or music. It just might be that a youngster gets hooked on math and himself/herself wants to teach one day. Learning about science might inspire a young Haitian to become an inventor. Learning French or English, or another language may offer a student the opportunity to serve as a diplomat or to work in the international business field.
Whatever the opportunities, they will be found in the classroom. I urge you to join with Schools Count Corp, Little By Little, New Trier High School and other generous people to make the dream of a new school come alive.
You can do your share to help rebuild St. Joe's by going to the Schools Count Corp website and making a donation. Simply go to http://www.schoolscountcorp.org/ and you'll find more information about how you can be a partner bring opportunities to the young people of Petit Goave.
Many thanks,
Dick Flesher
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