Over the past couple of weeks I have tried to lay out the attempt by the 'wolves,' better known in their inner circles as reformers, to disassemble public education. The wolves are numerous; think tanks, politicians, administration officials, and some in the public.
Their agenda is multi-pronged. To some they want more money spent on private and charter schools. Others still want simply to strip power from unions. Some wolves think the money spent on public education is wasteful. A good number of the naysayers claim that public education isn't working and there are better ways to deliver on this front. Still others want to find ways to game the system.
Let me leave you with this. The damage done by the 'wolves' is real. To a certain degree there is an erosion of confidence in public education. There is sharp criticism of teachers by a fair number of 'wolves' and the trust - fundamental to making any enterprise function - in those who are the frontline workers is taking a real hit.
Yes, we have to call off the 'wolves.' That means making sure teachers are treated as professionals just as we treat dentists, doctors and others as professionals. It means that 'We the People' have to tell various officials who aren't in the classroom to listen to their frontline workers and to lay off with putting more on the backs of teachers. We each have to find a way to help make public education all it has been, is and can be going forward.
Thanks, Dick
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