Friday, November 5, 2021

Buy In

My Friday message, particularly learned from acting as President of Schools Count Corp., is that creating 'buy in' is a healthy and necessary function of moving in a positive direction.

 You can give an education initiative, be it at a classroom or district level, any name you so desire but the most important consideration is that there has to be 'buy in.'   Granted this may be difficult to achieve but it's very success depends upon people seeing the value to it.

And this 'buy in' has to take place long before a policy, new course, tweaking a course and other programs is put into place.    It doesn't make any sense for a teacher, administrator or other school official (at the local or state level) to make a requirement or change without making sure people are on board.    

I am confident in saying that creating this type of operational system will be beneficial to all stakeholders.

Have a great weekend.   See you Monday!


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