Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Severe Teacher Shortage

The bells you hear aren't those that signal the start of classes or the new school year. No, these are alarm bells and they are more than a bit serious. Peter Hancock of the Capitol News out of Springfield, IL (the article appears in the March 12 Chicago Sun Times) has provided some startling trends on the shortfall of teachers in the State of Illinois as reported out by the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents.

There's lots to digest in the report but the bottom line is this...the shortage of teachers is widespread, has been growing and is creeping into every single part of the state. Here's the proof...the report states that 85% of schools that responded to the survey said that they 'reported experiencing some level of teacher shortage.' 85% my friends! 85%!! That's up from 78% just two years ago. Mind you, this is for the entire state and not just a segment of the Land of Lincoln.

Over the next few days I'll take a deeper dive into this issue, its effects and what can be done to reverse this trend. From where I stand we need to pay attention to these bells.


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