Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Voting and Education

Your vote matters so make your voice heard!! There's much at stake in nationwide elections when it comes to education. We can pick officials at the federal level who will stand up to the proposed Dept. of Education cuts that Ms. DeVos supports. We can maintain our schools by selecting board members who will support referendums that will help our students.

We can vote for state legislators who will see the wisdom in cutting back on the overburdening of staff and students through too many regulations and state testing mandates. It would be wonderful if those same legislators, who we happen to select, can come into our schools and see what is taking place rather than making it an opportunity for them to drone on and on. In other words, the would show up and LISTEN!

So this blog is intentionally short today for an obvious reason...your vote matters so make your voice heard!!


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