Monday, October 22, 2018

Grassroots Fight for Teachers

The drain on the number and quality of teachers nationwide is real. And to do something about it; well, we have to get 'down and dirty.' Forget writing to the NEA, IEA and AFT (as I've done to no avail) we have to engage in an all-out grassroots campaign to let Americans know they have to do something about the disappearance of this American institution.

Here is but a sampling of what it will take to see to it that every neighborhood school in this country has excellent teachers; have an Introduction to Teaching course in high school, current teachers nurture and convince their students of the value of this career, start a club in middle school, high school and college called Future Educators of America, building principals and counselors talking to classes about the importance of becoming an educator, and bringing in retired teachers to talk about the critical need for young people to join the profession.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the approach that needs to take place to get young people involved in this wonderful endeavor. But when all is said and done, it will be a grassroots approach that will get our nation's youth to become tomorrow's teachers.


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