Monday, March 5, 2018

Ponder This

Okay, so the new tax bill allows private school tuition to be a tax deductible expense under the new tax law. One of the other provisions of the tax overhaul is that student loan interest WON'T be tax deductible. In a day and age when nearly everyone is clamoring for everyone to go to college then these two scenario's don't make sense.

And just so you know, my real issue is NOT the private school deduction it's the fact that those going to college to better themselves aren't able to write off the often extraordinary expense of interest on student loans. Looking at these two items side by side just doesn't mesh.

By the way, the student loan cost, with interest, for many students, is often sky high. In the whole scheme of things this issue, going forward, is likely to be a huge drag on the overall economy. In fact the ballooning effect of huge student loan debts nationwide reflect a striking resemblance to the mortgage crisis of 2007-10.


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