Monday, May 8, 2017

A Funding Train Wreck

There are plenty of concerns about how Illinois funds its schools. For starters the state coughs up less than 20% of the money spent on educating public K-12 students (the national average is a robust 45%). You know where that ranks us among all 50 states? Dead last my friends, dead last.

What this means in real terms is that local Illinois school districts are almost entirely responsible for funding their respective schools. Translated, the poorest areas of the state of Illinois often have too few dollars to educate students in the appropriate manner. And this just doesn't hold true for urban areas but a good number of rural communities as well.

So the problem is multi-faceted. No only is there a lack of parity in funding our school system there's also a lack of overall dollars being provided to educate all of our nations students. What will our leaders do about this? As citizens what actions will be engage in?


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