Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Hit a High Note

Being a part of an activity that brings great satisfaction to oneself, as well as others, is a great feeling. And that's exactly why I'm encouraging you to attend our Jazz Benefit on Tuesday, April 25th at the Hinsdale Community House. Not only is it a night to listen to some wonderful music but it is an opportunity to help bring music to the lives of many children at Medgar Evers Elementary in Chicago.

I can't say that I have ever gone without much in life and many of us have had the same experience. Though I'm not a musician I am confident that if I had wanted to play a trumpet or sax, while growing up, my parents would have found a way to put one in my hands.

The above is not the case for many students in poorer neighborhoods in the city of Chicago. I do know that the children of Evers have a Music program but they are without band instruments and Ms. Ellis, the Principal, is eager to see to it that the students have the opportunity to participate in a band program.

The 7 pm performance on the 25th kicks off at 7:00 pm. Like I said, it's a wonderful evening of some easy listening for you and a great way to fill the Evers hallways with the vibrant sounds of a newly created band program. A great way to hit a number of high notes!


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