Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Holiday Thoughts

It has been a pleasure to work with you throughout the year. I am often reminded of the good of so very many; those of you who so generously and selflessly give of your time, money, and energy to the cause of those in need. You are the backbone of not only this organization but, whether you know it or not, you are often the group that provides tangible care to the most vulnerable among us so very close to our homes.

I am often reminded of your kindness when I open a donation envelope or get a note of encouragement. And it is not uncommon to be greeted by teachers and principals who wear a broad smile when our little yellow Penske truck pulls up to the door with some goodies for the students. I'm also reminded of just what it means for a child to get a new clarinet, a set of notebooks, a warm winter coat or a new basketball when I get a letter of thanks from students.

So, as I take a break from blogging/facebook - and sometimes venting - I want to extend my warmest wishes to you, your family and friends for a peaceful and joyful holiday.

Be well and see you in 2017!


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