Monday, May 9, 2016

CPS Takeover - An Emphatic NO!

In February Governor Rauner said that he felt that the State of Illinois should take over the operation of CPS on financial grounds. Well, the Illinois State Board of Education, after a financial probe, said no to the idea. The ISBE, while acknowledging money woes, stated that "the district has not realized two consecutive years of negative operating balances."

CPS agreed that there is no need for the state to intercede. The city of Chicago and CPS can, and must, straighten out these financial issues.

From the vantage point of this blog it is a welcome relief to hear that the ISBE came out with this proclamation. I am sure many of you have followed events in Flint, MI with respect to the contaminated water crisis. Remember, Flint's governing bodies were rendered obsolete when the governor selected an outside emergency manager to run Flint. This turned out to be a disaster.

Likewise, CPS doesn't need an 'emergency' manager!!!


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