Monday, February 15, 2016

Who Will 'Pony Up?'

The age old question of who will 'pony up' certainly applies to the water crisis in Flint Michigan schools. The district is already $10 million dollars in debt and has had to make a number of cuts in recent years. So the question of who will pay to replace pipes in the gym showers, drinking fountains and cafeteria's is an important one.

Ultimately, after the dust has settled, the time will come when the pipes will have to be repaired and most likely replaced in a number of schools. On this issue there will hopefully be consensus that the repairs have to be made to insure that future water supplies are completely safe.

Up to this point, I have heard little public comment concerning this issue. For the sake of the students, their families and school personnel, let's hope this doesn't become some political hot button.


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