Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Essential - Effective Leadership

According to the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research, 'Effective Leadership' is defined as "The Principal works with teachers to implement a clear and strategic vision for school success." Well of course this is one component of effective leadership. It, however, doesn't even come close to the most meaningful forms of effective leadership needed by our teachers and students.

I reference teachers and students because principals need to be on the front lines with these people. Principals should be helping teachers with classroom management, providing insights on how to 'connect' with students, and offering ideas on effective lessons and lesson planning. These, and other functions, have long been staples of effective leadership in our schools and they are constantly needed by staff.

Students need to realize that the principal is someone who cares about them and their growth. Principals have long served as role models for staff and students and that must continue. Another critical component that the principal must play in the school is that he/she must be involved in the classroom and school activities. Principals must 'be there' for kids. The idea that the principal is in the cafeteria, classrooms and hallways may seem outdated to some but, I would suggest these are fundamental to safety as well as learning.

Look at any successful enterprise and there is much more at work than articulating "a clear and strategic vision." Effective Leadership is far more involved than such a concept/idea.


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