Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We Can and Must Do More

22,000,000 children live in poverty in America in 2015 and at least 15,000,000 kids often go hungry each day. Millions, yes millions, of our nation's youth are homeless. Who's to say how many are neglected, aren't afforded proper health care and aren't properly clothed.

I mention all of this because our charity works with many of these students. It is hard to fathom that the kids can perform well in school given these situations/conditions. I am not sure I would be able to do my best in school, or that I would even care about school, if I had to endure going without so many essentials.

What's important is this...the causes of the above conditions - no doubt - should be addressed; however, it is far more important to provide the assistance right now. Lives are at stake and we can't afford to wait any longer.

For the sake of everyone, let's keep on fighting for one another.


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