Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Unsinkable School

The Chicago Sun Times 'Another View' recounts the remarkable 2 minute comment made by Laurie Viets, the mother of three children, who talked about one of her son's experiences at Beard Elementary School. Ms. Viets has three children who attend Beard. What she had to say at the CPS Board of Education meeting yesterday was powerful.

Ms. Beard chose to reference Beard Elementary in terms of comparing it to the 'unsinkable' Titanic. Laurie pointed out the greatness of Beard just as the Titanic was so powerful and majestic when it left England bound for the US. You know what happened on that voyage.

Ms. Viets said that Beard's loss of teachers, building staff and services is tantamount to hitting an iceberg. One is left wondering if Beard will meet the same fate as the Titanic. Clearly losing the services at Beard indicates that the school has hit an iceberg of sorts and the students are losing, her children are losing. When you get right down to it, lots of students are losing, we're all losing.

What will the CPS system do to rescue the kids from the cold water where their schools are slipping into the cold Atlantic?


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