Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Why Would Anyone Want to Run CPS?

This is the headline covering the front page of the Chicago Sun Times this morning. On the surface, this seems like a plausible question given all the recent problems; alleged wrongdoings, a budget in the red, impending negotiations with the teachers, a CEO who recently resigned and more.

Let me answer the question by looking at the position and the state of affairs in a different manner. The reason why a person would head the CPS is no different than why a person becomes a teacher, a principal, a para professional or takes on another position within any school district.

I'm not ignoring the very real problems in the school system but the reason any of us ought to get into public education is to work with students, to see them grow and to accept our responsibility to get them to realize their potential. This is a noble endeavor and that why a CEO has to be found who possesses these qualities. That is why someone would want to head CPS.


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