Friday, May 29, 2015

Teaching and Learning Takes a Hit in WI.

Any way you put it, the item added to the Wisconsin State Education Budget at 1:30 am (yes, really!!) is a travesty. The rider or amendment, whichever term you want to use, states that anyone with a bachelors degree can be hired and licensed to teach core courses in Wisconsin.

This means that a person who earns a Bachelors in agriculture can potentially teach a literature class. A person earning a BA in Accounting can teach Chemistry. If this is the case then Wisconsin education, namely, student learning will suffer.

The law also states that someone with 'relevant experience' can teach a non core course. It appears that a college or high school education is not needed in this instance.

This is another sad case of a government body getting involved in an area, education in this instance, where they have no business passing such ridiculous legislation. The concern is that teaching expertise and student learning are being sacrificed and for what reason or to what end?

I am tired of the gutting of public education in this country. When will it end?!


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