Monday, August 25, 2014

An Incredible Week

The week of August 11 - 15 was amazing for many reasons. Not only did we provide a massive quantity of assorted supplies to nearly 20,000 students at some forty schools but we did so with an energetic and hard-working group of volunteers.

So here is a 'shout out' of thanks to our many wonderful workers; Isabel Arce, Skip Begley, Kristin Bronke, Ed Bulak, Dylan Canavan, Erin Cassato, Megan Chu, Heather Fehrman and Family, Keith and Kristy Giltner and Family, Rosemary Grant, April Hardenbol, Anthony Hernandez, Lisa Hikes, Barb Ioli, Pam Kalafut, Corky and Julie King, Sibyl Krucoff and Mark, Nancy Krumpolz, Erik Kupczyk, Myles Laffey and his daughter, Gloria Lane, Don Mack, Donna Manning, Janelle Marconi, Angie McCormick, Earl McMahon, Terry Meyers, Jim Muldoon, Jim O'Brien, Dawn Oler, Maddie Oler, Barb Plantz, Joe Prieto, Kate Saunders and daughter, Ann Scott, Len Serwat, Michael Smith, Jeff Sheppard, Sarah Steinke, April Tatro and Mike Wiggins.

To each of you, please accept my heartfelt thanks for taking the time to help make our deliveries. If it you commitment and concern for others which makes these ventures so worthwhile. Not only have you brought needed supplies to the students and staff at the various schools, you have put smiles on the faces of one and all.

Many thanks,

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