Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Eulogizing My Friend Linda Hurt

Some years ago Linda came to me to inquire about becoming the Mentor Coordinator of new teachers at Hinsdale Central. I had relinquished the position and Linda was stunned to learn that she had been asked to assume the duties. She said, “Dick, why on earth would they ask me to be a mentor?” Before I could reply, I simply had a good laugh just as indeed you would have had a chuckle had you been there on that occasion. We all know why Linda was chosen, she was a people-person through and through.
Speaking of her love of people, Dave Vanderberg, the Science Department Chairman, early in his career observed Linda as part of her evaluation. Many of you will recall that in the 1980’s we were being ‘Bellonized,’ or to be blunt about it, making sure of ‘time on task.’ In his follow-up conversation with Linda, Dave, this weekend, recounted asking Linda to tighten up the first part of her lesson and to get right to teaching. Linda had no problem with the patterns and lesson that Dave had observed but she told Dave that her talking with students and allowing them to chat with one another, at the outset, was her opportunity to get to know the students and she would continue that particular pattern! Vintage Linda!
Linda always engaged us with that wonderful smile and ever boundless sense of optimism. She did it in so many ways, sometimes by poking her head into the room to say hello or, as she did on many occasions, by opening her home up to so many of us on Parent Teacher Conference nights. Sharing in some banter and laughter along with some snacks and a beverage at Linda’s condo always seemed to make for the perfect way to be among friends. Those were the best of times.
Her care and concern for others extended well past retirement. Linda told me in 2005 that she would continue to substitute teach to be around her friends and the kids. What you may not know is that she donated all the money she earned to charitable causes or to those in need. That was and is Linda.
This selfless attitude of giving was ever present. At the start of each school year Linda would pass out index cards, as many of us did, and ask the student for their names and addresses. The one crucial piece of feedback Linda sought was collecting information relative to the clubs, activities and sports that each student participated in during the year. Linda made it a point to see every single student engaged in these activities whether at Hinsdale Central or at a function outside of school. You know what? I know for a fact that she indeed saw every child, each year, doing something outside of the classroom. Typically, the day after attending that sporting event, play, debate or meeting Linda would chat with her students about the activity that the student had participated in the previous day. Talk about a caring and giving person!
Her love of young people was infectious and overflowing. Many of you might remember the days when attendance sheets were provided to teachers. Those students who were absent the previous day were listed by name and by the periods they were absent from class. I had a young man in 9th period ‘G’ World Geography and one day I confronted him with his attendance pattern where he missed 1st period, attended 2nd hour and then came back to school in the afternoon. I asked him why he came for 2nd period and then was absent for much of the rest of the day. He said, “Mr. Flesher, I have Ms. Hurt and I would never miss her class.” Well, why all know why he showed up.
In the late 1980’s, prior to Institute Day which kicked off the new school year I was putting up some posters and flags in my classroom. As was the custom, many students were milling about the hallways readying their lockers for the start of school. I can recall a group of students commenting on their respective schedules, one mentioning that she had Ms. Hurt for Biology. One girl chimmed in with, “You’ll love her,” another said, “my brother had her and he actually liked Biology.” To this day I remember another girl who said, “oh she’s the best.”
It seems appropriate today to echo those words as recorded by Tina Turner.

You are 'Simply the Best'

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