Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Closing Neighborhood Schools Makes Room for Charters

After closing 51 CPS neighborhood schools this past spring the Board of Education and brass are now looking to open 31 new charters over the next two years. Let's see, schools are underused so they are closed. Now word, amazingly comes that 31 charters are on the horizon.

Imagine being the students, parents and communities that saw your school closed (by the way, not necessarily because it was underperforming) only to pick up the paper and see that a slew of charters are about to open its doors. No matter where you stand on charters, put yourself - if possible - in their place. Wouldn't you be scratching your head. Wouldn't you wonder if you and your children mattered? Of course you would.

By the way, CPS acknowledges that six areas in the city have schools that are overcrowded. These neighborhoods include Ashburn, Belmont, Cragin, Chicago Lawn and McKinley Park. It will be interesting to follow the unfolding of the charter growth to see if any of these six areas of overcrowding are part of the charterizing movement.

See tuned.


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