Tuesday, April 2, 2013

If That's the Way it has to Be

Yesterday I posted a note from David Millman, Asst. Principal of King Elementary, who thanked us for our work with the students and staff at King.  His letter, and others like it that I received last evening, got me to thinking about the way forward for the people affected by the CPS closings.

No matter the cost, CPS, watch dog groups, the Chicago Police and others, will have to see to it that the students moving to new schools need security and protection.  Anything short of this will be a travesty.

Also, for those students transferring, new schools should hire some of the staff and administration from the schools being closed.  First of all, the schools adding students will have to add staff.  Beyond this point, it will certainly help students to see the familiar, confident, competent, smiling faces of staff who they know so very well.

Academically, these students will need all the resources and medical attention necessary to make the transition as seamless as possible.  As the student population nearly doubles in some schools, it is imperative that nurses, counselors and psychologists are in the building every single day of the week.

If the school closings have to take place, the proper preparations need to be acted upon.


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