Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A bit more on Unions

Just a couple of more thoughts about the value of unions.  With hundreds of thousands of teachers in the United States, it make little sense for every individual to bargain for himself or herself.  Teachers have collective concerns and ideas that are best pooled together which is a very real reason for their need and existence.

Let me also offer this...there are few better 'sounding boards' or avenues of information, on a whole host of issues, that administration, boards of education and government agencies can turn to than teacher unions.  They provide a rich source of information that those who run schools can turn to in order to make wise decisions.

At the state, national and local levels, unions provide courses, in-service training and they provide materials which help teachers grow and mature. 

Are unions the panacea for what may ail a school.  No, I'm not making this proclamation.  I'm simply stating that teachers, and others in education, are positively affected by unions in a variety of ways.


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