Sunday, November 25, 2012

Put Money Where It's Needed

As I reflect upon the work of our charity in Chicago, New Orleans and other areas that have been devastated by natural and human causes I am left pondering the issue of fairness.  Is it fair for those children in districts reeling from such catastrophies to go without needed resources at the expense of wealthy districts who receive state and federal aid?

Don't misunderstand me, those districts with great property values, a terrific tax base and a good deal of education success have done nothing wrong.  So the question remains, do they really need the funds that could go to children and schools in dire need of assistance?

For all those who say money is the not the cure for an ailing school I would say that it's true that funding isn't the cureall but, funding is one of the critical elements that will aid a school as it attempts to help students. 

What would it take to change this current scenario?  It will take a bold governor, state legislator(s) or perhaps an individual school board and superintendent of a wealthy school who stands up for the idea that he/she can right a wrong.  

One thing is for certain...students in an impoverished school/district need help.  Our charity provides one source of assistance.  It is time that others, in areas of power and influence, to stand up for those who are
jeopardized through no fault of their own.


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