Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ACT Scores - Local and National

Lots of smiles yesterday as it was reported that the average ACT score of CPS students soared from 17.2 to 17.6.  That's a big jump for certain.  At least CPS CEO Jean-Claude Brizard did the right thing by lauding the work of the students and teachers.

Though the 17.6 score is quite an improvement it, nonetheless, is behind the national average of 21.1 and below the goal of 20 as set by the Chicago Public School officials.

It's also worth noting that scores were released yesterday on the national scene regarding ACT test results.  On the bright side, the number of students who are more proficient in Math and Science indicated some positive gains.

But progress has been rather slow in other respects.  Just 25% of those who took the 2011 ACT test were deemed 'ready for college' in four core curriculum areas.  That is unchanged from 2010.  Perhaps most alarming in the lack of growth for a couple of racial groups.

The average score for African Americans rose from 16.9 in 2010 to 17.0 in 2011.  Growth, but sadly not nearly enough.  Most worrisome is the fact that just 13% of Hispanics scored high enough to be 'ready for college while a scant 5% of African Americans met the same standard.

Many of these results underscore the work that our charity is called upon to undertake in areas of extreme poverty.  We will continue to do our best to help address the educational needs of children at risk.


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