Friday, May 25, 2012

In Full Collecting Mode

Heading out to Naperville to pick up supplies from some of the feeder schools.  This is the fourth consecutive year that these schools have donated student supplies to our cause.  These schools have been incredibly faithful in term of helping schools in New Orleans, Joplin, MO and Chicago.

Steeple Run, Naperville Central H.S., Prairie Elementary and Kingsley Elementary will be visited today.

What I find amazing about these schools is the fact that they donate huge amounts of supplies, are well organized and they are so easy to deal with.  I have almost 40 schools to get to over the next two weeks and each of these schools - busy as they are at the end of the year - always work around MY schedule.  Amazing!!!

I will head back out to Naperville next Wednesday and pick up additional resources.  This gives you some sense that the district and community totally support our work!

Thank you,

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