Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Beauty of It All

I just got back from going to Ranchview Elementary School in Naperville. I shot out there this morning as the Principal, Sue Salness, donated two of her personal music instruments - no longer used in the family - to our drive to help Chalmers Elementary start their band program.

On the way back home I pondered the work of our charity. To me, the word charity doesn't accurately describe our work. Perhaps the words kind, decent, and caring are more appropriate.

Take this morning for example. Sue donated the music instruments because she wanted others to benefit from their use. She wanted the kids at Chalmers to have a chance to play an instrument just as her children did in the past.

When I think of Sue, and others like her, I am reminded of the fact that they are good and decent people. Yes, they are being charitable but, to a larger degree, they are demonstrating a real care and concern for others. Somehow I think the word charity/charitable isn't sufficient when it comes to the good work of our donors and volunteers.

For people to give of themselves is really a beautiful gesture.


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