Monday, October 17, 2011

Make Your Voice Known

Too often, a number of skeptics of public education or those who are in the midst of pointing out some of the difficulties of teaching in the 21st century outweigh those who really know that students are receiving a great education.

It falls upon those of us, known as the silent majority, to make our voices heard. We don't need to assail our critics; rather, let your friends and the teachers of your children know that they are doing a great job.

We expect our public schools to bring out the best in our children, that's to be expected. Why not jot a note to a teacher to thank them for the effort and thought they put into their work? If you see that your son/daughter is faring well, let that school know you are grateful for the care and consideration shown them.

Do you have a coach or activity sponsor who brings out the best in your child? Why not send them an email thanking them for all that they do. Perhaps you see your son/daughter making progress. Part of that success is likely to be attributable to their teacher.

I think far more comes of acting in a positive and proactive fashion than simply complaining and griping about someone. Why not take the time and make the effort to support good teachers? I think it serves everyone's interests.


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