Friday, February 4, 2011

Ways to Help CPS Schools

Needless to say, the supplies we provide to thousands of CPS students are critical to their daily learning. Don't take it from me, the various people within the schools we serve have said as much.

Aside from the financial assistance you so generously provide, there are other ways to support neighborhood schools in Chicago. Funds are of critical importance but, I believe there are other means and methods of supporting the schools.

Here are but a few ways you can help the children. If you work at a company that has a 'matching funds' program, why not make a donation to Schools Count and then solicit the same funds from your firm. Also, if you or someone you know has the time, why not call a school to inquire about tutoring in an area of your expertise? I'm certain the school would be grateful for your willingness to help!

If you work for a firm that has lots of paper, staplers, binders, and the like, maybe they would be willing to donate these supplies to a deserving school. If you do have these types of supplies simply contact me at and I'll direct you to a school in need. Perhaps you work at a gym or school that has extra athletic supplies. Check with the people in charge. You could be pleasantly surprised that they wish to make a donation. You might have other ways of helping schools...go for it, they can use your backing.

Why not look into some of the above opportunities? They are most likely to fulfill some great needs. I certainly am appreciative of your support.

Many thanks,

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