Monday, December 13, 2010

News on Haiti

Plenty is happening in Haiti these days with the recent presidential vote, cholera outbreak, and the upcoming 1st anniversary of the Jan. 12, 2010 devastating earthquake. Here's a quick recap of events:

Schools Count Corp will hold a silent auction in late Dec/early Jan in order to raise funds for IMN School in Darbonne, Haiti. We will be auctioning-off 10 original Haitian paintings to raise funds for the school. In the next day or two I will contact you with details of the auction along with some wonderful photos of the artwork.

Some tragic events continue to unfold in Haiti concerning the discontent with the November presidential election. Popular singer Michel Martelly, the third place finisher in the race, along with the front-runner, Mirlande Manigat, called the Provisional Electoral Council's plan to let the top three vote-getters be involved in a partial recount flawed. Violence has erupted in various parts of the country in protest of the election results. Most observers contend that fraud ran rampant in the election. A new three day appeal process was called for on Sunday, Dec. 12th but this will not likely quell the riots and protests. Sadly, more violence is feared in the coming week.

The cholera outbreak continues to take a tragic toll on many Haitians. Over 2,000 Haitians have died and at least another 90,000 have been sickened by the disease. The 'El Tor' strain is considered a particulary troublesome strain. It is very virulent and hard to slow down once it spreads. And spread it will. It is likely to spread to as many as 300,000 to 400,000 citizens.

Schools Count Corp will continue to support and reach out to Haitians in need. Thanks to all for your continued efforts to help IMN.


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