Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Chili Dinner was a Hot Time!

Though all of the counting of the funds, from last Friday's Chili Dinner, hasn't quite been completed, I can tell you that, as of today, sales are slightly over $3,000.00!! To say the least, that is a fantastic total.

Please know that I am grateful for all of the work provided by the Hinsdale Central Habitat for Humanity club members. These young people cleared tables, served chili, provided drinks & dessert, and greeted our hungry guests with a broad smile.

To all of those who supported the chili dinner, please accept my thanks for your participation and donation to both Habitat for Humanity and Schools Count Corp. I truly hope you enjoyed the meal and evening. To the very last person I chatted with at HC, one and all said the chili was delicious and that they had an enjoyable time. Your participation in this endeavor allows both Habitat and Schools Count to go into 2011 with some necessary funds to support our work.

Many thanks,

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