Monday, September 20, 2010

KICK keeps on Giving

(photos taken by: Harry Bull)

KICK not only was a whopping success in terms of having a great time playing soccer-tennis but it also proved to be a HUGE winner in terms of raising funds for the schools we serve in Chicago!!

Through the efforts of all involved; families, the players, and businesses we brought in $3,290.00 To give everyone a sense of the importance of such a total, it represents 10% of our total budget for one year! Put another way, we can provide schools supplies to ALL the children in three Chicago Public Schools for an entire year!

All of the people associated with the Hinsdale Central Boys Soccer Program, and those who participated in the event, should take great pride in assisting so many children in desperate need of what we often take for granted.

Many thanks, Dick Flesher

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