Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chicago Bound!

What you see is just a fraction of the thousands upon thousands of supplies destined for Chicago Public Schools this Thursday and Friday. You name it and it is headed for the students of 15 CPS schools.

Binders, locker gear, folders, index cards, notebooks, art supplies, glue, scissors, folders, composition books, pens, pencils, rulers and markers will make there way into the hands of students as they commence the 2010-2011 school year.

This is an exciting venture for Schools Count Corp. For years we have provided aid to hurricane ravaged New Orleans and Galveston, TX. This is the very first year of helping schools in our own backyard...a mere 25 miles from our home base in Mokena, IL. It is exciting to think we can help thousands of children get off to a good start on the first day of classes.

This has been a number of years in the making in terms of helping area schools. Our original mission (which still exists) was to assist schools and areas traumatized by hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters. But natural disasters can't be the only reason for helping people in need. Other factors certainly weigh heavily when it comes to wanting to help those in need.

I can't think of a better way to say to children "we care." When students get the message that adults; parents, the community-at-large and school personnel want students to learn and are willing to go 'all out' to make it happen, chances improve that students will want to learn.

So tomorrow we start the journey. A group of about 15-17 volunteers will make their way to Mokena to load the trucks destined for Chicago. To the volunteers and donors...you are the ones who should take pride in the fact that we can help CPS schools this fall.

Many thanks,

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